Real Estate Market Update | Rising Interest Rates?

Real Estate Markets Reports Strong Numbers To Close Out 2016825 NW Portland Avenue - 201809029

Fed Raises Interest Rates

The Fed recently made the move to raise short term interest rates for the first time since the economic downturn of the late 2000’s. Fortunately, an  interest rate hike from the Federal Reserve does not equate to higher mortgage interest rates for home buyers. Mortgage interest rates long with long term debt actually lag behind short term interest rates with many experts predicting mortgage rate increases spread out over the next few years & not just days or weeks.

As rates begin to rise over the coming years remember, we would have to go back in time to the 1950’s, to find interest rates this low. Specifically 1956, the year Elvis’ “Heartbreak Hotel” hit number one on the record charts. read more

Sunriver Fire Department Offers Free Smoke Alarms

Free Smoke Alarm Offer | The December 2015 Sunriver Scene newspaper shared Sunriver Fire & Rescueinformation regarding a Sunriver Fire Department program to give away free smoke detectors to Sunriver homeowners whom need to replace old, malfunctioning or supplement current battery operated smoke detectors already in use. The offer is restricted to residential use and homeowners can schedule a free smoke detector inspection to see if new detectors are required by calling 541-593-8622 & speaking to fire fighters Nic Newcomb or Charles Leifer.

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