Cash Real Estate Sales On Pace To Reach New Low | News & Statistics

All Cash! Oregon Leads National Trend

According to a recent real estate article (read more here) from cash sales nationwide are on pace to reach a new 8 year low, coming in at approximately 35% which is down from approximately 38% just one year ago.

Oregon was ahead of the national trend, coming in with 31% oMt Bachelor Hides Behind Spring Weatherf all homes sales being all cash transactions.

For perspective, cash sales reached a peak in 2011 at 47% of total home sales & according to CoreLogic, 25% of home sales pre housing crisis were all cash. read more

Sunriver Real Estate Activity Makes For Hot Summer 2016

The Sunriver home market is currently among the most active in all of Central Oregon & recent trends combined with national market factors promise Sunriver real estate a HOT Summer 2016′

Sunriver is a investment or secondary home market and it’s value recovery following the housing collapse (like most secondary markets) has lagged behind more traditional residential real estate markets. More specifically, Sunriver has not enjoyed a rapid value appreciation like the more traditional residential markets of Bend and Portland have seen.

Sunriver is a little deceiving though… Market momentum has been steadily building by way of increased sales, a slimming inventory and decreasing days on market for the last 4-5 years and yet the appreciation has been slow to come… read more