The inclusion of Form 2.13 Wood Stove Addendum is crucial in the sale agreement if the property has a wood stove. The Clean Air Act mandates the Environmental Protection Agency to establish performance standards for all stationary sources of air pollution, including residential wood heaters. In 1991, Oregon passed laws to reduce and prevent air pollution caused by “solid fuel burning devices.” However, this does not apply to cookstoves, antique stoves, pellet stoves, masonry heaters, fireplaces, and central wood-fired furnaces.
Sunriver Resort Nightly Vacation Rental Home For Sale
Homes For Sale In Sunriver Oregon
18118 Modoc Lane Sunriver OR 97707 aka 16 Modoc Lane
Sunriver Home For Sale | More Info

• Chalet style floorplan-very similar to popular Cir 4 Ranch Cabins.
• SROA dues of $128.35 only; no additional condo HOA dues (like there would be with Cir 4 Ranch Cabins).
• Nicely sized private feeling ¼ acre lot well within maximum lot coverage calculation to allow for future addition / expansion of home (*Note-Buyer to complete all due diligence regarding lot coverage dynamic with the SROA).