Sunriver Skyline Condos Offer Tremendous Value | Condos For Sale

Skyline Condos | Sunriver, OR

Located near the popular and well maintained Quelah Condominiums just off River Rd out towards the Marina, set a small grouping of condos within a complex named “Skyline Condominiums.” The complexes central location means convenient accessibility to The Village at Sunriver, The Main Lodge (Meadows Golf Course, Owls Nest Bar, Meadows Restaurant, Merchant Trader Gift Shop) and Great Hall (group meeting & convention facility) complexes, grocery store and SHARC (Sunriver Home Owners Aquatic Recreation Center). read more

Best Locations In Sunriver

A Snapshot of Price Per Square Foot Within Sunriver

Sunriver HomeEver wonder what the price per square foot means in a specific area of real estate? It can be looked at many ways depending on your perspective, as a seller, buyer or real estate professional. Let’s look at some facts within Sunriver, more specifically additions or subdivisions within Sunriver and how those areas differ in price per square foot, days on market, age of homes and sales price % vs list price. The snapshot included 7 additions that were not heavily influenced by the river, airport, etc. as I wanted areas that were more typical. Let’s look at the numbers since January 2015 through May 28th 2015 and see what they tell us.
Sunriver Real Estate Dan Hoak read more