When a home is purchased, most look at the home as the only product they are purchasing. Unless you are paying cash for a home, there is a often overlooked product, the home loan. When you obtain a home loan, you give your lender a mortgage, which is security to your lender in case the loan is defaulted. In Oregon, you enter into a trust deed with your lender and a neutral third party, usually a title company. Bottom line, when obtaining a home loan you are buying a product, and when you buy a product you want to receive the highest quality, and value in that product, right?
Freddie Mac Reports… 30 Year Fixed Mortgages Slipped To An All Time Low For The 3rd Straight Week!
4.19% is the average interest rate for a 30 year traditional-fixed mortgage according to Freddie Mac a GSE. First posted Oct 18th, 2011-Interest rates remain low, contact me for more info here...